Friday, August 22, 2014

Day 100

Hayia! Hope all is well in the world of jaw surgery stressers. I got my braces off!
They gave me a bottle of champagne and a cupcake on my way out! Dr. Simon said that I was finished fast! I'm super happy about that! It's good to be out of braces since I'm 34 and it's a little old to be still working on teeth.
I have temporary retainers and I'm waiting on the regular ones. I went to the dentist for a good cleaning. There was all this problem about a bridge or implant. You know what to do with the space where that tooth is missing. My insurance of course doesn't pay for anything and it's expensive to do either. I've had a bridge so long that the bone has deteriorated so they don't think an implant will even work. So I'm going to ask Dr. Franco when I see him on Monday.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Day 83

Hi everyone. My swelling has gone down a ton. I've been massaging my temples where there's scar tissue from the TMJ surgery and it's feeling better everyday. I'm on the books to have my braces removed next Friday! I hope it happens. You know how that stuff is fickle. The Monday after I'm booked for a cleaning and stain removal. I also still have to be fitted for a bridge where that one tooth is missing. Things are winding down and I'm almost finished! Here's before and after(photo taken today)