Monday, June 16, 2014

Day 34

Well I can't hear out of my left ear. Last Thursday I was hearing that white noise you sometimes get in your ears if there is water in them. I was hearing it when I listened to music in my car or sounds from the TV. If it got a little too loud, I would hear this "wind" in my ear. Remember when I was saying my left TMJ was hurting for several days last week? It doesn't heart anymore but I woke up last week and my left ear was totally clogged. I haven't been able to get rid of it since then! It's very annoying. It's just like when you have water in your ear but usually you can get it out if you tilt your head or take a hot bath. Nothing has worked. I'm supposed to go see Dr. Simon this Friday but I'm not sure there is anything she can do about it. I feel like there is just a tremendous amount of drainage going on there. Hopefully it will drain what's left of the swelling in my face. I want it to go away though because it's extremely distracting. Over the weekend I also had some palsy in my bottom lip. It just completely gave up. When I talked, it was completely uncontrollable. I wasn't sure if it was hanging open or what. But, that passed after a couple days. Now, I have lots of pins and needles in my bottom lip and chin, big pressure on my Right TMJ and drainage or something covering my left ear. When I smile there is a pressure on my zygomatic bones.
See on the chart #7. That's where I can feel the bolts. I'm not sure what I'm feeling exactly but there is an annoyance under the skin there and tension. The pain I feel now is mostly in my teeth from the rubber bands. Everything else is just very annoying. I keep feeling warm water dripping on my mouth and chin and of course there is nothing there. Ah! When I see Dr. Simon on Friday, hopefully she can rid me of this splint which makes me hard to understand for others, and it'd be really fun if she didn't make me wear rubber bands anymore. Just those 2 things would make me feel better I think.

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