Saturday, May 31, 2014

Day 18

Not too much to report. I still have a lot of swelling and pins and needles in my nose and chin. There is an aching pain on my top gum line. I have a lot of discomfort inside my mouth, for example certain teeth are hurting and the retainer on the roof of my mouth is bothering me. My gums hurt and keep getting this sharp annoying pain on the roof of my mouth--It lasts only a second but it's very annoying. I got some meatloaf hoping I could eat it but it was a little too tough for me and I ended up just going with the mashed yams and chicken broth again. I did eat a salmon filet yesterday and that was tasty. I'm so ready for this to all be done. It feels like I will never get out of feeling like this. Today is Saturday so I'm taking it easy. I went for a long walk and got some sun but for the most part I've been lounging around all day. I worked 3 half days this past week and it was hard to do. I may have gone back a little too early because my mouth was really aching by the end of work each day. I had/have a lot of work to do and I feel like it would be fine to just do the work but it feels best to not smile or talk, ha! It's really hard to work like that though, because I want to smile and talk to people but by 5pm I'm rushing home for pain meds and bed. Putting a hot wash cloth on my face helps the aching stop.

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